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Sunday, March 23


Langkah nye:
1. Harus pake Mozilla Firefox yah, klo lum punya silahkan sedot -->

2. install add-on buat Firefox --> (Bukanya pake Firefox, trus langsung klik INSTALL)

3. Setelah install, nanti disuruh restart Firefox...restart aja...bukan restart si compi lho...ingat restart Firefox nya aja...

4. Buka web music multiply, misalnya :,,,, pasti udah gak ada lagi tombol DOWNLOAD nya...yah itu, udah di-disable ama Multiply...

5. Setelah page nya kebuka semua, klik icon gambar IKAN WARNA HIJAU di pojok kanan atas Firefox (Logo nya add-on Unplug yang tadi di install)

6. Nah, ntar muncul halaman baru yang isinya lagu-lagu yang ada di halaman di atas, TAPI kali ini bisa di download, tinggal klik "save" and then enjoy it.....

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About Armando

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Hello there..., nice to meet you all (if you come to this site). Well, let me introduce myself.My name is TH oww do u believe that? he..he is just initial. i dont want give my true name to strange people (that's my mom said to me). well i dont have much to tell about me to you. because my life is bored